Our human bodies have many needs that are both physical and spiritual in order to function at the optimal level. The physical needs of the body include getting plenty of exercise, healthy eating, a restful night's sleep, and clean drinking water. The spiritual needs are all about growth, evolution, and returning back to oneness. If any one of these needs are out of balance, you may be experiencing unwanted side effects, and those around you with a view looking in are probably being affected in an undesirable way.
Are you feeling tired all the time, feeling depressed or anxious for no apparent reason, experiencing frustration and anger, and taking it out on those around you? Are you carrying around more weight in your body than you'd like to? Do you feel stuck? Are you happy with your current life situation? Are there things about yourself that you would like to change? Do you feel like you should be living a different life, but don't know how to make it happen? Do you want to increase your life satisfaction and have a better experience while you're here?
Taking time out to balance your mind, body, and emotions is an important part of daily human life. Cleaning up any toxic energy that includes negative thoughts, habits, and behaviors, as well as processing and healing from trauma creates a positive ripple effect to those around you. Healing yourself heals others as well and helps to heal the planet.
What is the story you're telling yourself? What is the story you tell to others? Are you being honest with yourself and others?
Creating an illusion that things are okay and denying that the problem exists are often seen as defense mechanisms, as witnessed by an observer glancing down from a higher perspective. Before things get too bad in the wrong direction, take responsibility for your personal well-being and get the help you need. Take a step back to rebalance and realign with your best version. Read uplifting books, take empowerment classes, spend time in nature, garden, learn something new, and step outside of your comfort zone. You will begin to evolve into your best version with patience, practice, and persistence. Hold yourself accountable to rise up and blossom into your full potential. Your best version is someone who uses their words in a loving and uplifting way. This version of you, that is living your best life, is caring, authentic, honest, and leads others by example with integrity.
Allowing time for creativity is a great way to shift your consciousness into a positive direction. Not only will you learn to have patience for yourself, but giving yourself space to take a pause to create something beautiful can be a deeply meaningful experience. Having an attitude of gratitude for the things you have instead of focusing on all the things you don't have is another way to add fulfillment to your life.
Each moment we get to experience the wonder and beauty of creation is a miracle and a blessing.
Life is too short - enjoy the ride!